One of my girlfriends recently sent me a message about some supplies for starting scrapbooking, and these are my recommendations:
I would go to the craft store, and get a patterned stack of paper (everything will match in your book), pick a book, adhesives, and a Zig Pen.
Sign up to be on mailing lists for Archiver's, Michaels, JoAnn and then you will constantly be getting coupons for 30-60% off, or even more. JoAnn's usually has 10% off your whole purchase around major holidays.
My Favorite Book-by American Crafts, can purchase at Michael's with 40% off coupon, or at Archiver's. I have a whole shelf of these. They look great, and are easy to fill.
Adhesives--I like the little square kind:
Lynn Prefers a
quicker method:
Paper CutterPrepackaged Paper (Get at JoAnn's for 40-50% off)
All Dressed Up-I used this for my Destination Georgia Scrapbook for a Girl's Weekend.
LaCreme-Pretty for a Wedding
Favorite Inspiration Magazine, now available for download!
Going to a retreat or Scrapfest is a great way to try everyone's best tools before you go out and purchase something.
Hope this helps!