First piece--I used my 20% off coupon at Bed, Bath and Beyond for a get a big one, and a tiny one inside. I brought my 12x12 paper folder along for the trip to make sure it fit. The tiny ones are in front of a bedroom window with desk stuff in them, and the cats sit on top.
Storage Ottoman
Inside the Ottoman
These Plastic File Folders Come in 3 Packs
They come in this can buy them at Archiver's, but I prefer when they are on sale at JoAnn Fabrics.
Tools. My carrier is usually hanging on a hook, or on a closet shelf.
Storage, storage and more storage! Photos in the black boxes on the left, 3 magazine files holding 8x12 papers, magazines for inspiration and stamps. Books on bottom shelf.
Inside the Magazine File...
This one is from Archiver's, but it only takes 3 to hold all my rubber stamps + ink...and they all fit in the magazine file box.
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